Posts Tagged: richard brawer

13 Questions With Love’s Sweet Sorrow Author Richard Brawer

It’s Friday! Richard Brawer is here to celebrate that fact, answer some questions, and tell us a little about his novel Love’s Sweet Sorrow. Here we go!


Me: Did you learn anything today? If so, what?


Richard: That my grandchildren had a great time at Disneyland in California.


Me: Yay Disneyland! Where did the idea for Love’s Sweet Sorrow come from?


Richard: The original idea came from a newspaper article about arms smuggling. All my novels have a strong female character to challenge the protagonist. I was having trouble creating the female character for “Love’s Sweet Sorrow” so I put the book aside and went to explore one of my favorite pastimes, local history. Shrewsbury, NJ, a town twenty minutes north of mine, was having an Octoberfest. Shrewsbury was founded in the 1660s and one section of the town was on the National Historical Register.


In the historical district was a Society of Friends (commonly known as Quakers) meeting house also founded in the 1660s. The Quakers were giving a tour of their meeting house.  During the tour, informational brochures were passed out. The Quaker information was particularly interesting.


For most readers, it is the conflicts between the characters and how those conflicts will be resolved that keep readers turning the pages. Jason, my protagonist, is the head of the legal department of America’s largest weapons manufacturer. As I read the Quaker brochures, I thought, why not make his love interest a Quaker. What could be more opposite and create more conflicts than having the protagonist work for a weapons manufacturer and his love a pacifist?


Thus Ariel was born and the novel quickly changed from strictly suspense novel to a romantic suspense novel.


Me: That’s really cool! What’s something about yourself that really annoys you?


Richard: I tend to be a perfectionist, possibly obsessive-compulsive for some things.


Me: I can relate. What’s the name of the book you’re reading?


Richard: Claws of the Cat by Susan Spann


Me: What scares you?


Richard: Heights


Me: Pop or soda or soda pop or Coke?


Richard: Soda. Pepsi. I live in NJ. We don’t use the word pop for soda. I believe pop is a Midwestern term.


Me: Why do you write?


Richard: I have a vivid imagination. I like to use it to create and solve mysteries and put my protagonists in what seems like un-escapable situations then logically free my character.


Me: What is your favorite salty treat?


Richard: Potato chips


Me: What makes you laugh?


Richard: A good joke


Me: What’s your favorite planet?


Richard: Earth


Me: Cats or dogs?


Richard: Neither


Me: Fair enough! What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?


Richard: When I was sailing I got caught up in a rip tide in a tidal river.


Me: Here’s a free plane ticket! Where would you like to go?


Richard: To California to visit my grandchildren.


Sounds like a great time! Here’s more about Love’s Sweet Sorrow, a romantic suspense novel:


Cover LovesSweetSorrow

It is said opposites attract. There can’t be two people more opposite than Ariel and Jason. Ariel is a traditional Quaker with an absolute aversion to war. Jason is the lead council for America’s largest weapons manufacturer.


Their budding romance is thrown into turmoil when Jason uncovers evidence linking his employer to international arms deals that could devastate America. His determination to stop the treason puts Ariel in the middle of dangerous territory.


Praise for Love’s Sweet Sorrow:

Exciting thriller and love story extraordinaire! – Mortimer


“Excellent writing, impeccable plotting, and nicely developed characters. – Shoshana Hathaway


“Your writing is very strong, and you have developed a gripping story. – The Writer’s Edge


I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough to see if they were able to resolve their differences or if they would split up. An enjoyable read from beginning to end.” – GBP An avid reader


“The characters and the plot are extremely well-crafted. The Drama is riveting.” – S. Lynn


“Wow! What a book. Nonstop action and it was hard to put the book down.” – Mystery Fan


Love’s Sweet Sorrow is available in a trade paperback and e-book wherever books are sold, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


About the author:

Richard Brawer Author Pic

Richard Brawer writes mystery, suspense and historical fiction novels. When not writing, he spends his time sailing and exploring local history.  He has two married daughters and lives in New Jersey with his wife. Read more about Richard and his books at his website.



Thanks for being here, Richard!