Posts Tagged: Charlie Hunnam

Wait. There Was a Summer Vacation? #MFRWauthor

Because time skipped forward during the months of June and July and we had unusually cool weather in Kansas, I’m having a hard time remembering summer vacation. I’m pretty sure I had one though, because when I returned to school in August, my brain had that familiar toasted feel to it. You know that feeling? The one where you’re not 100% sure you put on underwear that morning and you can’t remember anyone’s name and you can’t figure out which key unlocks the school library doors and…




But now my summer-toasted brain is once again working semi-full throttle, and I’m still having a hard time remembering summer.


But based on the empty suitcase I just put away from my vacation in July (yes, I just put it away. I wish I was kidding), bits and pieces of the summer have come back to me!


Here’s what I did:


1. I went to the Stanley Hotel in Colorado. This is the hotel that inspired Stephen King to write The Shining!

The MAN!

The MAN!

2. I visited my parents in Washington, and just like we always do, we had a ridiculously good time!

I want your doooonnnuuuut!

I want your doooonnnuuuut!

3. I wrote The End on my ghost story in space book and sent it off to Super Editor.


4. I wrote a quarter of a contemporary story with no zombies or ghosts, and because it felt a little weird not writing about anything paranormal, I added bacon. Problem solved since bacon is paranormally tasty!


5. I watched the first three seasons of Sons of Anarchy.

Because Charlie.

Because Charlie.


6. Ummmmm…?


Yeah, that’s all I got.


So, summer, you were pretty epic, but next time, let’s relax on that fast-forward button, okay?


What about you? Any fantastic summer memories you want to share?


P.S. Be sure to check out other authors’ summer vacation memories by clicking on the Endless Summer Blog Hop button at the top of this post!