Posts in Category: Toni DePalma

The Devil’s Temptation and Puppies: @ToniDePalma1 Explains

Two blog posts in one week?! I know. Just breathe in and out and give me a Pop Tart. Or I’ll give you a Pop Tart. Whatever.



Anyway, I’m happy because Toni De Palma is here to discuss her latest release The Devil’s Temptation, book two of The Devil’s Triangle series, and to answer my never-ending questions. Let’s get to the book first. First, this cover is gorgeous!



Here’s the blurb:

Fighting the Devil brought Cooper and Grace together. But without a little evil to spice things up, the everyday life of a normal teenager is pretty dull. A summer job crewing on a billionaire’s yacht in sunny Italy might be just the ticket to rekindle passion. While the setting is perfect, the winding, sinister back streets of Naples are also the perfect playground for a scorned Lucifer to wreak havoc. And if evil doesn’t rip them apart, the sultry billionaire’s daughter and the sexy First Officer might be what it takes to finally destroy Cooper and Grace’s love forever.

It sounds awesome! You can grab a copy at Amazon. Go ahead and one click that baby. I’ll wait.

Now it’s time for my never-ending questioning of Toni (actually there’s only thirteen)!

Me: You just walked in the door after a long day. What do you do first?

Toni: Hug my puppy. Chester is a Pekingese. I keep his hair short, which makes him look like a little brown meatloaf.

Me: Aww. That’s so sweet! I give my cat lots of cuddles too when I get home. He’ll gnaw off my hand if I don’t. What’s the one physical object you can’t live without?

Toni: My computer and IPhone (okay that’s two). I just got a Mac and am teaching myself Photoshop. Besides writing, I love photography.

Me: Oooh, Photoshop and photography! Am I predicting a future in cover design maybe? Would you rather be a vampire or a werewolf?

Toni: Being a werewolf would require major waxing, so vampire.

Me: HA! I love that answer! What are you going to do right after you finish this interview?

Toni: Watch Girls. I love that show!

Me: *Googles it, then immediately adds it to Netflix* What is your favorite dessert?

Toni: I love a good piece of dark chocolate.

Me: Yessssssss. Would you rather have hiccups for the rest of your life or feel like you need to sneeze but not be able to for the rest of your life?

Toni: My dad actually had hiccups for three days straight and I know how hard that is. Since I already have allergies, I’m used to needing to sneeze. Bring on the Kleenex.

Me: Do you have any strange writing quirks?

Toni: I need sunshine and love to write by a window.

Me: I prefer dark, depressing caves myself. Would you consider yourself a pioneer or a settler? Why?

Toni: It depends on what aspect of life you’re talking about. I’m pretty easy going so I don’t see the point in fighting over being right. Does that make me a settler? Maybe. So be it.

Me: Cool! When it comes to food, are you the adventurous type, or do you like standard foods?

Toni: I grew up in Brooklyn where ethnic cuisine is standard. I love trying new foods.

Me: Yay! Me too! Where did the idea for the Devil’s Triangle series come from?

Toni: My son and I were hooked on the TV show Fringe. That gave me the idea of a story based on alternate realities. Cooper, my main character, was really the catalyst. He is such a great character, a bad boy with a good heart.

Me: I love me some bad boys. I watched the first few episodes of Fringe but couldn’t really get into it. Do I need to keep watching it? Anyway, what’s something about yourself that really annoys you?

Toni: I can be super critical of myself. I have to remember to celebrate my accomplishments rather than thinking about the next big thing I want to do.

Me: *sighs* Me too. Why do you write?

Toni: Last week I presented at a Young Authors conference. The kids I worked with reminded me of me when I was their age. So I write for them and for the kid I used to be.

Me: That’s the best answer ever! What’s the last song you listened to on purpose?

Toni: “Obsession.” An oldy but a goody.


Awesome. And now, here’s more about Toni!




Toni De Palma was born in Brooklyn, New York. As a child she spent many summers in Ischia, the Italian island where her father was brought up. Her first middle grade novel, Under the Banyan Tree, was published in 2007 and selected as a Kirkus New Voices Pick and a New York Public Library Book for the Teen Age. Her second middle grade novel, Jeremy Owl, was published in 2010. Her third book, The Devil’s Triangle, A YA paranormal is getting rave reviews. Toni holds her MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Vermont College and she is a recipient of a New Jersey Arts Fellowship. She currently resides in New Jersey.

Thanks for being here, Toni! And don’t forget to one-click her book, The Devil’s Temptation!