Love’s got everything to do with everything in my life. I love books so much I became a librarian so I can build forts out of them on my desk and pop out from behind them whenever anyone comes into the library. (If that doesn’t wake the students up, nothing will).
Chocolate and the Foo Fighters and Firefly all put a smile on my face because I love them/it so much.
So, yeah, love is huge in my life. But why do I feel the need to write about it in most of my stories? I’ll answer that question with another story. Don’t worry – it’s short.
Lightning struck my heart when I first got to know my BF eighteen years ago. No, not literally, but it sure felt like it. Every time I thought about him, which was all the time, my cheeks heated, a smile would dance across my lips, and I’d lose my appetite. Oh, yeah. I was falling for him. Big time.
Fast forward to now. The lightning that struck me has fueled a raging fire, and me and the BF are still ridiculously in love. We leave love notes for each other. We call each other cute nicknames. We walk each other to the door before work for one last kiss goodbye. It’s almost sickening how cute it is, isn’t it?
But that’s why I write about love. I want to capture that feeling for my characters because that feeling will stay with them forever, even if that particular love doesn’t last. Plus, as a reader, I enjoy reading about characters who find first love or long-lost love or love in the strangest place. I feel what they feel all over again.
Now, because I love all of you, here’s a gigantic contest! The winner gets a $250 e-giftcard to Amazon or Barnes & Noble, your choice. The contest is international and ends February 19th, so hurry! Enter the Rafflecopter below to win and good luck!
If you want to hop around to other Crescent Moon Press authors’ sites to see what they think love’s got to do with it, you can start here.
Raise your hands if you listen to music while you write. What kind of music? Do any of you draw inspiration from music that you later put into your writing?
I can’t listen to music while I write. If Jesse is snoring, it distracts me. Mostly because it’s so cute, but also because it’s noise. I do draw inspiration from music, though. Scenes form in my head that are completely unrelated to the song’s lyrics, and before I know it, another story idea is brewing.
Speaking of music, do any of you wish you had your own theme song that plays whenever you walk into a room? Or is that just me? Because here’s what I want mine to be: (Warning: talk of dead people and bad words, then the music starts):
Now that’s a song you can strut to! Or draw inspiration from for select characters/scenes. I’m going to go strut around my house while I listen to this song…