If you read or write YA, you should definitely check this contest out. YA Confidential is giving away lots of ARCs, a query critique by agent Sarah LaPolla, and a five page critique by agent Vickie Motter. Go here to enter.
YA author Gennifer Albin is holding a critique contest at her blog. Check it out here.
Yay! I’m a finalist in Mysti’s Dialogue Contest! I’d love it if you would all visit the link, read the entries, and vote for your favorite. You don’t even have to vote for me if you don’t want to!
YAtopia is having a Micro Synopsis Contest with agent and author John Cusick. If you have a completed YA or MG manuscript, check the contest out here!
Author Katie Salidas is giving away all four of her ebooks to one lucky winner. She writes vampire novels, and who doesn’t like vampire novels?! Enter here.
There’s a two sentence pitch contest going on at Chanelle Gray’s blog. Check it out here. Whoever wins gets a manuscript read and critique by agent Victoria Marini!
Editor and writer Cassandra Marshall is giving away a free edit to one lucky winner. Enter here.
After four email robot rejections, I finally was able to submit my first 250 words in the contest. Email robots are picky, even more than all my English teachers combined. Only twenty-five people can enter through the time window – I was number twenty-five. The robot told me so. There was a second window later in the day, but my internet connection crapped out on me, and I wouldn’t have been able to enter. So it was close. Too close. I feel a story brewing with email robots and time windows and cutting things close… Hmm. I’ll file that away for later.
In other news, I’ve started writing the sequel to The Grave Winner, which is titled What Gifts She Carried. It would be an understatement to say I was excited. I have to know what happens to these characters because even darker, more horrible things will drop in their paths. (I’m giving the computer an evil squint as I type this).
And, oh yeah, I’m going on another vacation! I leave Thursday to visit my parents in Liberty Lake, Washington, a small but super cute town outside of Spokane. I haven’t seen my parents in almost a year, which is way too long. Last time I visited, they put real estate brochures all over their house in their not-so-subtle attempt to get me to move out there. I’d go if I could bring my job with me…
So, I’ll be MIA for awhile, but don’t worry. The BF and I put this video together of cute pictures of Jesse. If you watch it enough times, you’ll be so smitten with His Majesty’s cuteness, you won’t even miss me. The music comes from the soundtrack to the TV show Cowboy Bebop. The second song is meant to be sleepy-sounding, not sad. Even though Jesse just knocked over the trash can and used coffee grounds flew all over the carpet, he’s not dead.
The lovely ladies over at Oasis for YA are holding a contest to celebrate 300 followers. The lucky winner will receive a critique on their first chapter from all five ladies! Click here to enter.
I entered the first 500 words of The Grave Winner into a contest hosted by Lydia Sharp over at http://lydiasharp.blogspot.com/ and received an Honorable Mention! Yay! My insides are all fluttery! Every entry received a critique; here’s mine with Lydia’s comments in red:
Thank you so much, Lydia!!