Posts in Category: Blog Hop

5 Scary Movies to Put You in the Halloween Mood #HopswithHeart

tribal man


Hello and welcome to my stop on the Paranormal Romance Howloween Blog Hop! Stay tuned for details about two gift card giveaways! But first, I’m going to tell you about something I LOVE! Scary movies!!! Here’s my top five scary movies that are sure to put you in the candy-giving, thrill-seeking, goose bump-covered Halloween mood!


5. The Blair Witch Project

Before the movie cam out, I saw a documentary on television about this documentary film (confused yet?), and I became convinced the whole thing was real. Yeah, maybe I’m a tad gullible, but the whole idea of the Blair Witch creeped me out. This movie expertly weaved in the fear of the unknown, which in my mind, is terrifying.



4. The Exorcist

This is the movie that started my love affair with all things horror. My mom sat me down at the tender age of ten and made me watch it. *twitches* And see how well I turned out? Seriously though, after seeing this movie, attics will never be my friend (further evidence of this is in my book What Gifts She Carried), and I’ll never look at a crucifix the same again.



3. The Silence of the Lambs

One of the few horror movies that has won Academy Awards, this film definitely made an impression. I was about twelve or thirteen when I went to see this movie with my parents, and I remember vividly not being able to breathe during the last third of it. But breathing’s overrated, especially during scary movies.


2. The Shining

I’m referring to the Stanley Kubrick movie, not the drawn-out mini-series. Part of why I love this movie is Jack Nicholson and his brilliant, albeit over-the-top, performance, the imaginative use of everyday sounds including silence, and the long, empty (though not always) hallways.



1. The Ring

I saw this movie by myself, at night, when I was out of town for a work-related thing. When I tried to go to sleep in my hotel room, I imagined Samara standing at the foot of my bed and her long, black hair slithering over the covers. Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep that night. For giggly fun, I like to shake all my hair in my face and walk in a herky, jerky fashion toward my boyfriend. He LOVES it! /sarcasm




So there you have it! My top 5 scary movies, though if I had time, I could go on and on about my other favorites, including some Alfred Hitchcock classics I didn’t mention. But I know you’re anxious to hear about the giveaways!


I’ll give a $5 Amazon gift card to a random commenter if you answer this question: What’s your favorite scary movie? Don’t forget to leave your email address!


For giveaway number two, click the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don’t forget to hop around the other Howloween hops for even more chances to win great prizes!


And also, check out Jane Wakely’s blog: She is the brain child behind this blog hop! Thanks, Jane!

Everyday Is Halloween


Does anyone remember that Ministry song called “Everyday is Halloween?” No? Well, here you go.




I’ve come to realize that, to me, everyday really is Halloween. One Halloween, I dressed up as a Cyndi Lauper/Madonna hybrid, and I loved the look so much that I wore the outfit even when it wasn’t a holiday. In fact, I think I still have the single black glove with the fingers cut off lying around here somewhere.


Another Halloween, my mom sewed me a white cat costume even though I really wanted to be a black kitty. Her fear was that while Trick-Or-Treating, I would be invisible to cars. Jeez, my mom was smart, but of course I didn’t realize it then. So, I was a white cat. Years later in high school, I was still a white cat, only without the costume. For some reason, I felt the need to prance around on my tiptoes and clean my face with my paws, er, hands. No, I wasn’t drunk during those entire four years; it’s just a thing I did every once in a while. That, and peeing in random people’s yards for money.


Ahem. Anyway. Where was I? Right. Halloween.


One of my favorite things to do from November 1st to October 31st is to prepare for Halloween by watching scary movies. Some of my favorites include The Exorcist, The Ring, Paranormal Activity, and Alien. Sometimes when I’m feeling a bit wicked, I’ll pull all my long hair in front of my face and do that jerky walk like Samara in The Ring toward my BF. He doesn’t find this humorous.


As you may have figured out, Halloween is my very favorite holiday of all the holidays ever. Which is why I celebrate it everyday. I’d like to share my giddy love with you by offering a chance to win a $10 gift card from Amazon or Barnes & Noble. You pick! See the Rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Oh, and don’t forget to click the badges at the top of this post to hop around other authors’ blogs for more chances to win prizes!