The Grave Winner Trilogy #coverreveal #petthecover

Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on the ol’ blog. (I’m so sorry, blog. I still love you.) Hopefully this post will more than make up for that!

I’m gearing up to re-release The Grave Winner books one and two (book three is on the way!), so naturally I need brand new covers to do that. You remember the amazing covers I had before? These new ones needed to be even better, which is a tall order for a potential cover designer. I put my complete trust in Rebecca Hamilton, USA Today bestselling author, editor, and, you guessed it, cover designer.

And OMG, look what she did!

The Grave Winner - ebook

What Gifts She Carried - ebook

The Trinity Bleeds - ebook


I can’t stop drooling over them!

Books 1 and 2 will hopefully be ready for re-release in the fall, and if I cross my fingers, toes, and eyes, book 3 should be ready by the winter!

Would you like to add them to Goodreads? Here you go:

The Grave Winner

What Gifts She Carried

The Trinity Bleeds


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