It’s Summer!
Hurray! School is out, which is good because my brain is toast. I brought home handfuls of books to read over the summer after promising the mean old librarian (me) that I would bring them back unscathed. The plan is to sleep for two days, then get started on them. Oh, and there’s editing to be done and that sequel to The Grave Winner that needs to be written and the trip to Denver and the trip to Washington, D.C…. It’s going to be a crazy busy summer, but I can’t wait!
What are your plans for the summer?
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We’re going into Winter here… so it’s getting cold, raining.. for me that’s perfect staying home and writing time:)
I’m sure I’ll be tired of summer in no time, and cold and rain will sound wonderful!
It’s winter here but we’re having better weather than in the summer this year. I’m writing and illustrating two sequels at the moment. Also editing a friend’s book, reading a list of books in my kindle and a pile of paperbacks, plus marketing and promoting my four published books, oh and volunteering for the wildlife rescue and spending time with my beautiful grandchildren. Phew! I’m tired thinking about it. It’s a good job I have a husband that cooks, grows our veggies and does all the gardening. I used to help with that, but now have no time. (I do sit on the garden lounge to read though.) Did I mention my daily bush walk? Yeah, that too. LOL.
You sound as busy as me, Lindsey. Good luck with your book release. That must be exciting. Now on to the sequel for you too.
Wow, you are busy, Trish! You must own a time machine to get it all done!