(My First) Teaser Tuesday

Life has been drinking me through a straw lately. Between work, online workshops, work, and more work, I don’t even have time to go to the bathroom. And I mean that literally with all the urinary tract infections I have the pleasure of dealing with. Too much information? Sorry.

Anyway, I shall share a book teaser with you. Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Should Be Reading. You can do this too by:

1. Grab the book you’re reading.
2. Open to a random page.
3. Share two teaser sentences.
4. Don’t include spoilers.

The book I’m now reading is The Forever Girl by Rebecca Hamilton. Those of you who’ve been a member of Critique Circle for a long time might remember her from there. Here’s the book and my teaser:

“Inky shadows from the oak tree in my front yard cloaked the soothingly dark windows of my colonial-style house from the eyes of prying neighbors, but something stood between me and my haven-a note posted to my front door. Get out now.” – ch. 2

I’m about 29% finished with this book, and so far it’s deliciously dark and sexy.


  1. Shell Flower February 28, 2012

    I hope things get better at work. Seriously, I can relate. Try taking cranberry pills, too, at first sign of UTI. Good luck. Also, that sounds like a hot read.

  2. christicorbett February 29, 2012

    I LOVED the first line of this post. So descriptive in a funny and not-funny kind of way.

    Here’s my teaser, from the book I’m reading now. It’s called, “Thanks, But This Isn’t For Us: A (sort of) Compassionate Guide to Why Your Writing Is Being Rejected”

    Page 85: “It takes more than a big idea to create s story that is so riveting it will entertain readers for three or four hundred pages–it takes planning and analysis. Now, you can cry me a freakin’ river about how plotting is too left-brained and you prefer to write intuitively, or you can buckle down and learn how to hold a story together.”

    Yep, this book is filled with all kinds of awesome advice like the above, and has planning worksheets, plot layouts, and a pile of other great stuff too.

    Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday!

    Christi Corbett

  3. Lindsey R. Loucks February 29, 2012

    Shell – thank you for the encouragement! I’m drowning in cranberry pills and water!

    Christi – Ooo, that sounds like a great book! Thanks for sharing!

  4. tfwalsh March 1, 2012

    Very cool teaser… love the cover too.

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