Number 2

It’s the last two weeks of school. So, all I’m capable of doing is copying and pasting something from an old college assignment onto my blog. Sorry. I’ll be less brain dead never.

Here’s number 2 in the Worst E-mail of 2000 Contest: (taken from Worst e-mail contest winners. (2000, January 25). TechRepublic).

Situation:A salesman didn’t impress a potential customer when he pitched his product with this e-mail.
E-mail:Dear Mr.Jones,

Looking for a siample and easy installation device you don’t have to apply another telephone line but all staff in your office could connect Internet, buy another printer server, or buy another fax sever? Looking for the CD-R’s? Look no further. Right here. We are pleased to inform you that we can provide you these products exactly what you need.

It’s a bunch of started, but not finished, thoughts. *sigh* I can so relate… Ten more days.


  1. Mysti May 24, 2011

    Ha! I’ll just go make some, then maybe we’ll all and after that the naps can. Did you see that squirrel? 🙂

  2. Lindsey May 26, 2011

    HA! Nice one!

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